Lorenzo SENO


Physics and electro-acoustics, Music Conservatory of Aquila, Italy

Lorenzo SENO

Janvier à Mars 2014


Lorenzo Seno took his Laurea cum laude (Master’s degree) in Physics in 1975 at La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Through college, he worked at the “Space Plasma Laboratory” of the Italian National Research Centre (CNR), to process data of Earth magnetic fi eld coming from « Pioneer » satellites. He was then involved for a couple of years into the epistemology and history of Physics, also collaborating with newspapers writing articles on science popularization. In 1977, he started working in the fi eld of green energy (solar, green, biomass) for SMEs belonging to two important Italian industrial groups (CTIP-Solar Bastogi, then APRE-Fintermica). After some years as a technical director of a company specialised in geographic database software, he became R&D director of the same APRE, until 1996 when a major financial misadventure of the owner group brought the shutdown of the company. He then became “interim professor” of informatics at the Faculty of Economy of the University of Rome III. Then from 2004 until 2013, he was professor of electro-acoustic at the Electronic Music School of the Music Conservatory of Aquila.

Search project

"The decrease of technology during the late Trente Glorieuses. Technologies development at the turn of the second half of the seventies"