The Julien-Gracq Library

The Julien Gracq Library

The Julien Gracq library is a shared service of the Institut d'études avancées de Nantes and the Maison des sciences de l'Homme - Ange Guépin.

It has :

  • A multi-disciplinary Humanities and Social Sciences collection.
  • An acquisitions service linked to the MSH's research programs and the Institute's scientific events.
  • Donations from researchers' personal libraries: Law, Fonds Grumbach, Fonds Blaise Economie, Fonds Desprès-Tartarin Histoire, Fonds Poulat, Fonds Lambert, Fonds Fransen Anthropologie, Fonds Cartry.

All books are available in the catalog and on the library shelves.


  • Interlibrary loans
  • Self-access documents Access to all electronic resources of the Nantes University Library
  • Photocopying on site, scanning with professional card
  • Library visits and training in documentary research
  • Creation of thematic bibliographies
  • Personal workspaces

To borrow from the library

  • The library's holdings are open to all.
  • Loans are open to residents of the Institut d'études avancées, Master's students and doctoral students.
  • For readers not registered at Nantes Université, the library can also issue a loan card.
  • There is no limit to the number of documents that can be loaned.
  • The loan period is 2 months for residents of the Institute.

Les Rencontres de la Bibliothèque: a cultural rendez-vous

The Institut d'études avancées de Nantes and the Maison des sciences de l'Homme - Ange Guépin are offering a cultural event: a series of meetings at the Julien Gracq library called : Les Rencontres de la bibliothèque. These meetings generally take place at 6pm on Tuesdays or Thursdays. They are announced in the agenda.

The ambition is to offer such a series of meetings each year with former fellows of the Institute and MSH researchers, on the occasion of the recent publication of a book, to enable them to share their writings with a public curious about the production of knowledge at the crossroads of disciplines, geographical horizons and forms of knowledge dissemination.


Plafond de la Bibliothèque Julien Gracq


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