
Sociology, Birzeit University, Palestine


Octobre 2015 à Juin 2016


Abaher EL-SAKKA, a Palestinian sociologist. He got his degree of Specialized Management of Social Systems, in HIgher National School, of Social Security (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Sécurité Sociale (ex-CNESS), Saint-Etienne, France. He holds a Master DEA (Master Degree, Sociology, University of Nantes, France in 1997. He has a PhD in Sociology, University of Nantes with distinction (unanimous jury commendaton with honour) in 2005. He was a Researcher and lecturer at the University of Nantes from 1998 to 2006 and is currently a professor at Birzeit University at the department of social and behavioural sciences. He is also visiting professor at several universities in France and Belgium. He was involved in several research centres, including the “Institut français du Proche-Orient”. His current research interest focuses on the social history and the historiography of the social sciences. His various research interests focus on studies on Artistic modes of expressions, stratefies artistic expressive social forms, social and collective memory, social identity and protest movements; nationalism; social policies; social mobility and politicial practices.

Search project

"Social science research in Palestine. Methods and analysis of research and knowledge"

This project sets out to study the various fields of social science research in Palestine. Firstly, we will recapitulate the main groups of researchers which we have been able to identify in the field, together with their relevant area of research. We will also examine new, emerging themes of research and highlight the diversity of axiological and epistemological positioning of their authors: the differences between the notional fields of each group of researchers highlight differences in the way they perceive these movements. We aim to show that the choice of notions and practices in social sciences used to describe an event is organised in one or several patterns. Secondly, we set out to consider current trends in social sciences to gain an overall comparative perspective of the use of these concepts, both from a theoretical point of view and from that of empirical studies. This project is part of a wider reflection on social science tools and issues (sociology, political science and law), as well as on the analysis of social, economic and political transformations in the scholarly field. It also contributes, through the presentation of work carried out in Palestine, to enriching reflection on the various links between social change and social science practices.


2014. « L’influence des révoltes arabes sur la cause palestinienne », Masarat, janvier, pp. 5-55 www.masarat.ps (en arabe).

2013. « Supporters à distance : les fans du Barça et du Real en Palestine. La réception populaire de clubs Barça-Real dans la société palestinienne », in Jeunesses arables. Loisirs, cultures et politique, Laurent Bonnefoy, François Burgat, Myriam Catusse (sous dir.), Paris, La Découverte.

2007. « Frontières palestiniennes : la crise conflictuelle entre l’histoire et la géographie », in Regards géoplitiques sur les frontières, Christian Bouquet, Hélène Graciet-Velasco (sous dir.), Paris, L’Harmattan.