Abdarahmane N'GAIDÉ


History, Cheick Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal

Abdarahmane N'GAIDÉ

Octobre 2013 à Juin 2014


Abdarahmane NGAÏDE is a historian. He is Assistant Professor of the History department of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities of Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar. He is the author of several articles published in academics reviews and has contributed to many collective works. He is also an essayist, novelist and poet. He has been a substitute member for the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) executive committee since December 2011. He is currently preparing a book-length interview with the historian Professor Boubacar Barry. His thesis L’esclave, le colon et le marabout, Le royaume peul du Fuladu de 1867 à 1936was published by l’Harmattan in November 2012. Two of his novels, Une nuit à Madina Do Boé et Mbourourou Mbarara, were published in 2013 and he prepares a book of poetry Je...Kréyol.

Search project

Saint-Louis and its surroundings as places of identity 'dilution'. Partial history of the Haratins from Senegal (19th - 21st centuries)

Former slaves from the moorish community, the Haratins were doing well, given a situation that allowed social and statutory identities to experience new trajectories within the rising colonials cities. It seems that, like many former slaves who took advantage of the 1848 French law for abolition, a flood of Haratins arrived in the town of Saint-Louis and its surroundings, not only to escape the hardships of their condition but also to benefit from this new growing economy and culture.

How and in what context can we classify this mass arrival of Haratins in Saint-Louis and its surroundings? How did they do about obtaining new identities allowing them to progressively become part of the Wolof community? What heritage is left from the first newcomers? How do their modern-day descendants identify themselves? In individual and collective memory, what place does slavery heritage occupy? What is the role played by the taking on of local names, not only in their ethnical but also statutory ‘dilution’? Can we determine how far this conversion of statuses and conditions has been influenced by chromatic proximity?

All these questions would require thorough field research not only in Saint-Louis and its surroundings, but also in other areas of Senegal where their presence has been recorded for centuries.


N’GAIDE, Abdarrahmane. Archéologie partielle du sens des discours autour de l’esclavage. Cours Nouveaux (revue africaine trimestrielle de stratégie et de prospective), 2012, n°7-8, p. 129-140.

N’GAIDE, Abdarrahmane. Entretiens avec Amady Aly Dieng : Lecture critique d’un demi-siècle de paradoxes (en ligne]. Dakar : Codesria, 2012, 148 pages. Disponible sur le site du Codesria.

N’GAIDE, Abdarrahmane. L’esclave, le colon et le marabout : Le royaume peul du Fuladu de 1867 à 1936. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2012, 262 p. (coll. Etudes Africaines).

N’GAIDE, Abdarrahmane. Musique et danse chez les Haratins de Mauritanie : Conscience identitaire et/ou dissidence culturelle ? Africa Zamani [en ligne]. 2008, n° 15-16, p.1-25. Disponible sur le site du Codesria (consulté le 30.05.2013).