
History,Institut de Recherches et d'Études sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman, France


Octobre 2016 à Décembre 2016


Ahmed Oulddali holds a PhD in Islamic history. Born in Algeria, he studied in Algiers, then at the Aix-Marseille University (France) where he defended his thesis in Islamic Studies. From 2010 to 2014, he worked at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange-Guépin (Nantes) as a post-doctoral researcher in the European (ERC) program Relmin, "The legal status of religious minorities in the Euro-Mediterranean world (5u+-15m centuries)". He is also an associate researcher at the Institut de Recherches et d'Études sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman (IREMAM, Aix-en-Provence). His research focuses on Qur'anic exegesis, Muslim theology, and Islamic law.

Search project

"Interfaith relations in the pre-modern Islamic world through legal consultations (fatwas)"

From its establishment in the 15th century up to today, the Muslim world has always counted a large number of non-Muslims among its population. The political dominance of Islam did not prevent other religions from remaining under Muslim suzerainty in most regions, including those that were conquered by force. As the numerical majority in some cities and provinces, these communities played an important role in the economic and cultural expansion of the Islamic empire. Relations between the majority Muslim society and religious minorities in the pre-modern age are increasingly interesting for researchers working on the history of the Near East and the Maghreb. But this research comes up against a significant obstacle: the rarity of archival documents. To overcome this difficulty, we must expand the field of investigation by appealing to other sources. Among the documents that can help the historian's quest for information about this period, there are legal consultations (fatwas) issued by Mâlikite jurists from North Africa and al Andalus. Rich in data on the economic and social life of the Muslim West, the fatwas are also quite interesting for the study of interfaith relations. This project intends to translate and analyze a corpus of numerous legal consultations concerning non-Muslims (primarily Jews and Christians) living in Muslim territory.


Oulddali Ahmed, « Un dimmi accusé d'avoir calomnié les musulmans . Étude d'une fatwa rendue à Tlemcen en kawwâl 849/janvier 1446 », in Religious cohabitation in European towns (10m-1? Centuries), éd. St. Boisselier, J . Tolan, Turnhout, Brepols, p. 223-239.

Oulddali Ahmed, « Recevabilité du témoignage du dimmi d'après les juristes mâlikites d'Afrique du Nord », in The legal status of dimmi-s in the Islamic West (second/eighth-ninth/fifteenth centuries), éd. M. Fierro et J . Tolan, Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, p . 275-292.

Oulddali Ahmed, « Les recherches de J . Jomier consacrées au commentaire coranique de Fakhr al-Din al-Râzî », Mélanges de l'institut dominicain d'études orientales (MIDEO) 28 (2010), p. 49-71.

Oulddali Ahmed, « L'abrogation par le verset de l'épée (âyat al-sayt) selon Fakhr al-Dm al-Râzi», Annales islamologiques 43 (2009), p. 74-86.

Oulddali Ahmed, « Le traitement des traditions exégétiques anciennes dans le commentaire coranique de Fakhr al-Din al-Râzi », Lugmàn : Annales des Presses Universitaires d'Iran XVII/ 34 (2001), p . 67-111.
