
History, University of Yaoundé I, Cameroun


Octobre 2013 à Juin 2014


Born in Cameroon, Alioum Idrissou is senior lecturer and researcher at the University of Yaoundé I (Cameroon) where he successfully obtained in 2006 a PhD in History, based on penitentiary servitude and European domination of Cameroon. His fields of research focus on the social and cultural history of Africa and Cameroon (notably the history of imprisonment, social control and marginality); the history of slavery practices and social representations in non-centralized societies; and the history of making policies against so called social diseases.

Former coordinator of the “Pole d’Excellence Régionale” for the University of Yaoundé I (2007-2010) on “Status and representations of the captives and slaves: Africa, Caribbean and Europe (16th-21st centuries)”, Idrissou Alioum is member of both the Centre Africain de Recherches sur les Traites et les Esclavages (CARTE) of Cheikh Anta Diop University (Dakar, Senegal) and the Association des Anneaux de la Mémoire de Nantes (France). He was also the coordinator of the historical component of the ANRS project “Overlapping treatments of tuberculosis and HIV/Aids: historical processes and social constraints (Senegal, Cameroon)” from 2007 to 2010. Since 2007, Alioum Idrissou is a resource person for the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) at Dakar, Senegal.

Search project

Transfer of duties, status opportunism and survival of the servile royal personnel in Northern Cameroon.

This survey intends to reveal and to analyze the profile, the career and especially the testimonies of the servile royal personnel (or 'dogaris' in Northern Cameroon) in connection with the mechanisms of conservation and transmission of their duties and status. The project also aims to explain the various pillars of the survivals of this servile institution, as well as the weight of socio-political inability and constraints following their statuary subjugation in a context of a local and planetary movement of access to equality and full citizenship. The adopted methodology will examine the literature relating to the edification of lamidal institutions and in the same line the formalization of the dogaris as pillars of these institutions. The purpose is to grasp the modalities of transmission of their duties and status within the trajectory of the building of the lamidalism. Beyond the historical background, pillars of the permanence, modalities of renewal as well as aspects relating to the survivals of that servile royal personnel in contemporary northern Cameroon will be analyzed.


IDRISSOU, Alioum. Pratiques esclavagistes et serviles chez les Béti du Cameroun aux XIXe et XXe siècles : esquisse d’une histoire méconnue. Cahier des Anneaux de la Mémoire. L’Afrique centrale atlantique, 2012, n°14, pp. 92-117.

IDRISSOU, Alioum. Déportation et mise en résidence surveillée des autorités traditionnelles du Cameroun méridional. In Kpwang R. K. La chefferie « traditionnelle » dans les sociétés de la grande zone forestière du Sud-Cameroun (1850-2010) [online]. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2011, pp. 286-303. Available on link (visited on 28.05.2013).

IDRISSOU, Alioum. Prostitution et lutte contre les maladies vénériennes au Cameroun (1923-1964) : discours et pratiques. Kallio (multidisciplinary journal of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Maroua, Cameroun), 2011, Vol. 1, n°4, pp. 123-141. (Coll. ‘Lettres et Sciences Humaines’).

IDRISSOU, Alioum. Les Anthropologues, les Historiens et une question de santé publique. In Vidal L. et Kuaban C. Sida et tuberculose : la double peine ? Institutions, professionnels et sociétés face à la coinfection au Cameroun et au Sénégal. Louvain-la-Neuve : Academia Bruylant, 2011, pp. 7-25.

IDRISSOU, Alioum. La prison au Cameroun allemand : un système pénitentiaire en construction ?. Héritages des Tropiques (Journal of historical sciences and history teaching of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Yaoundé), décembre 2010, n°5, pp.41-60.