Bin LI


Law, Harbin Institute of Technology, China - Région Pays de la Loire Chair

Bin LI

Research project : "The contribution of Chinese law to the synergy between human rights and trade law in the context of the internationalization of law: research under the protection of property rights"

The enactment of the Property Act 2007 is an important event in the construction of the Chinese legal system. The acceptance of international legal instruments to guarantee foreign investments, and to protect intellectual property rights is prior to the formation of internal law on ownership. The development of the implementation of constitutional and statutory guaranties through the integration of international economic standards, but also human rights standards, would lead to dismantling the compartmentalization between trade and human rights. Starting from a spirit of synergy between trade law and law of human rights, and between domestic law and international law, the research aims to explore the dynamics of law and the contribution of Chinese law in this process of harmonization of law which is based on shared values.