
Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), Russia


Octobre 2017 à Juin 2018


Elena Gerasimova, PhD, is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law of the Faculty of Law at the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (Moscow, Russia). She is also Director of the Centre for Social and Labour Rights, a non-governmental organisation, working to promote labour and employment rights. For over twenty years she has been working with trade union movements in Russia and CIS countries, promoting labour and employment rights in Russia. She has acted as a consultant for national and international trade unions and deals especially with labour standards, fundamental principles and rights at work. Elena Gerasimova is co-founder and Chairman of the Council of the Professional Association “Lawyers for Labour Rights”. She is a member of expert councils of the State Duma, Ministry of Labour, Ombudsmen of Russia and serves as an expert for a number of other Russian governmental bodies. Her current research interests include freedom of association, right to strike, social partnership, human rights at work, international labour standards, protection against discrimination, equality at work, etc. She is the author of over 50 articles and publications in Russian and English.

Search project

Workplace Democracy: The current concept and perspectives for the future

The research project of Elena Gerasimova focuses on the concepts of interactions between workers, employers, and government in various countries; the background and development of the concept of workplace democracy in intellectual history, today’s difficulties and challenges of its implementation and perspectives for the future. Elena Gerasimova will explore particular institutes of social partnership and workers’ participation in the business management of Russia. She will also examine the fundamental challenges to be surmounted by systems of interaction between workers, employers, and government during that period and how they are addressed by the operation of various mechanisms, how the parties handle discussion and decision-making; whether these challenges lead to changes in legislation and, if so, how those changes are applied. By investigating and analysing these topics, Elena Gerasimova hopes to elucidate the legislative treatment of regulatory standards of social and labour relations for various national legal systems, the practices used to enforce those norms, and their effectiveness. She intends to conduct a comparative analysis setting her findings against the Russian regulatory system and its practices in order to suggest some solutions that will be beneficial and effective for Russia in the future.


GERASIMOVA, Elena. Négociation collective, consultations et échange d’information : conformité de la loi russe aux normes internationales et perspectives de son amélioration. Dans normes internationales du travail et droit du travail russe : perspectives de coordination. Edit. By Lyutov N.L., Golovina S.Y. M.: Norma, Infra-M, 2016. Chapitre. 9. P. 138-169.

GERASIMOVA, Elena et BOLSHEVA, A.Fédération de Russie/Au : Salaire minimum, négociation collective et développement économique en Asie et en Europe. Perspectives syndicales. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. Ch. 18. P. 325-343.

LYUTOV M N et GERASIMOVA, Elena. Normes internationales du travail et législation russe du travail. Monographie. 2-ème edition. M.: Centre pour les droits sociaux et du travail, 2015.

GERASIMOVA, Elena. Problèmes de résolution des litiges du travail collectif et mise en œuvre du droit de grève en Russie/ Droit du travail en Russie : développements récents et nouveaux défis (l'édition scolaire Cambridge, 2014);

GERASIMOVA, Elena.Représentation des travailleurs dans les pays d'Europe centrale et orientale/ défis et opportunités pour le système des comités d'entreprises (Wolters Kluwer. Droit et Business, 2013).
