Ferenc TOTH

Ferenc TOTH

Janvier 2024 à juin 2024


Ferenc Tóth was born on March 5, 1967 in Szentgotthárd, in Hungary. 

He did his secondary studies in Szombathely, then he continued his studies of higher education at the University of Szeged (1986-1991) where he obtained a teaching diploma in history and French language and literature. After his baccalaureate, he prepared a DEA at the Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations in Paris (1992). Then, he continued his doctoral studies at the University of Paris-Sorbonne in history under the direction of Professor Jean Bérenger. He defended his thesis in 1995. 

He began his career as a teacher-researcher in 1996 at the Dániel Berzsenyi College in Szombathely where he had administrative responsibilities (head of department and director of institute). In 2003, he obtained a habilitation at the Sorbonne University. From 2012, he works at the Research Center for the Humanities in Budapest. In 2014, he defended his doctoral thesis of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 

His areas of research: Franco-Hungarian diplomatic and military relations in the early modern era, Hungarian soldiers and agents in the service of France, history of Turkish wars in Europe. He has already published more than 30 books and more than 200 studies.

Search project

Between West and East - Central European Emigrants, Travellers, Diplomats and Soldiers on the Ottoman Civilization in the Age of Enlightment

In early modern era, the middle of the European continent was turned upside down by considerable political, geographical, demographic and cultural changes. In this situation where borders and institutions were particularly unstable, migration was a very common phenomenon. 

In particular, political emigrants easily found refuge in the territory of France and the Ottoman Empire. In Central Europe, this concerned above all members of the nobility and the intellectuals who were involved in the great political and cultural movements. The migration of the elites of the modern era is a subject that currently mobilizes historical research. 

The space of origin of the emigrants is a Central Europe full of movements and located between the great powers – the Habsburg Empire, Russia and the Ottoman Empire –, which is of particular interest. Threatened by the ambitions of powerful neighbours, this cultural centre benefited from a wealth of influences which manifested themselves in particularly interesting phenomena such as religious pluralism and multi-confessionalism, as well as a fruitful intellectual life playing a role of mediation between civilizations. 

In this research project, I propose to analyse through different scenarios the representation of the Ottoman civilization (religion, society, culture etc.) by Hungarians, Croats, Czechs or Poles who circulated on the territory of the Ottoman Empire in the Age of Enlightenment.

  • TÓTH, Ferenc. Ascension sociale et identité nationale. Intégration de l'immigration hongroise dans la société française au cours du XVIIIe siècle (1692-1815), (Officina Hungarica IX), Budapest: NHK, 2000. 367 p.
  • TÓTH, Ferenc. Un diplomate militaire français en Europe orientale à la fin de l’ancien régime. François de Tott (1733-1793), Istanbul: Isis, 2011. 290 p.
  • TÓTH, Ferenc. La guerre des Russes et des Autrichiens contre l’Empire ottoman 1736-1739, Paris: Economica, 2011. 146 p.
  • TÓTH, Ferenc (éd.). Journal des campagnes de Charles de Lorraine, Paris: Honoré Champion, 2017. 648 p.
  • TÓTH, Ferenc. Diplomatie, guerre et culture en Europe centrale et orientale ottomane à l’époque moderne, Istanbul: Isis, 2021. 208 p.
  • TÓTH, Ferenc. Silva rerum. Tanulmányok a nemesség és eszméik vándorlásáról Európában a nagy változások idején (XVII-XIX. század) – Études sur la circulation de la noblesse et ses idées en Europe à l’époque des grands changements (XVIIe - du XIXe siècles), Budapest: LineDesign, 2021. 376 p.