
Law/culture, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg


Octobre 2018 à Juin 2019


Katrin Becker is Research Associate in “law and culture” at the University of Luxembourg. After five years of legal studies, she studied French and German Language, Literature and Culture at the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn and the Université Paris-Sorbonne. Having obtained a Master’s degree at the Sorbonne, she then worked as a trilingual translator in a law firm in Paris. Following her German translation of Le Désir politique de Dieu by Pierre Legendre, she resumed her academic path and wrote her doctoral thesis on the relationship between law and literature, from the perspective of dogmatic anthropology. After a teaching assignment at Duke University in the United States, she finished her PhD at the University of Luxembourg and the University Paris-Sorbonne in 2015. Her research focuses on the linguistic relationship between the subject and the institutional system, on the juridical and linguistic foundations of subjectivity and culture, the role of literature and aesthetics in culture and law, as well as on thecurrent phenomena of globalisation, multilingualisation and migration and their impact on traditional conceptions of subjectivity, institution and law.

Search project

The Subject and the Institution. A juridico-linguistic relationship between autonomy and obligation?

The project is based on the hypothesis of an uncircumventable linguistic intertwining of subjectivity and the institutional structure of culture. By trying to bring together dogmatic anthropology with post-structural concepts regarding the role of language – as a normative-heteronomist means of subject constitution on the one hand, and as a medium of a constant shift of meaning on the other – the aim is to look at current cultural, legal-theoretical and public discourses to trace developments regarding concepts of subjectivity, institutionality and law. By laying the main focus on the blurring of borders and limits initiated by processes of globalisation, as well as on the growth of identity and nationalist movements, possible dialectics shall be traced between developments in the (language-based) relation between subject and institution and shifts in the respective terminology.


BECKER, Katrin. “L’expérience juridique – entre dogme et création. Franz Kafka en dialogue avec Pierre Legendre”, in: Grief, revue sur les mondes du droit 4 (2017), Paris, EHESS, Dalloz, p.100-113.

BECKER, Katrin. “The Juridical Voice of Literature: A Perspective on Literature’s Entanglement with Normativity”, in: On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture 3 (2017) [http://geb.uni-giessen.de/geb/volltexte/2017/12999/]

BECKER, Katrin. Zwischen Norm und Chaos: Literatur als Stimme des Rechts. Legendre, Kafka, Hoffmann, München, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2016, 314 p.

BECKER, Katrin. „Von der Mehrsprachigkeit der Einsprachigkeit: Ein dogmatisch-anthropologischer Blick auf die Relation Mensch – Recht – Sprache“, in: Critical Multilingualism Studies 3.1 (2014), p. 90-111.

BECKER, Katrin/MEIN, Georg. „Recht und Kultur – Das Subjekt im Spiegel der Institution: Pierre Legendres dogmatische Anthropologie“, in: Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft 4 (2013), p. 300-314.
