History, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, India

Janvier à Mars 2019 en tant que Membre associé (résidence précédente : Janvier à Mars 2018 et Octobre à Décembre 2016)
Lakshmi Subramanian, did her undergraduate and post graduate degrees in History from Calcutta University where she secured a high first. She pursued her doctoral degree in history in the University of Viswa Bharati (Santiniketan) under the mentorship of Dr.Ashin Dasgupta. Subsequently she received a number of important fellowships in the UK, Singapore, Australia and South Africa (Mellon fellowship) to develop her research work. She has taught in a number of universities in India and overseas (South Africa, Poland and Germany) and for the last seven years has been working in the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences in the capacity of Research professor. She has authored more than six major books on economic and cultural history of India, her special subfields of interest being trade and social networks in the Indian Ocean, histories of predation and the social history of music in modern south India.
"The Social Life of Trust: Credit, Crisis and Contract in comparative historical perspective"
The project intends to undertake a longue durée understanding of commercial practice and its changing context and to initiate a much needed conversation between history and other disciplines such as economic anthropology and law around the issues of commercial practice, and
their social and institutional locus. At the heart of the project is to consider the language, logic and limits of reciprocity and trust, a feature that is usually evident in its deficit. While the specific case study driving the project would be South Asia where the experience of formal colonial rule attempted to construct an appropriate “Indian Economic Man” and a legal subject, the project hopes to generate interactions with other areas of the world, to look closely at new work that opens up the relation between religion and trade and cross-cultural exchanges, to consider how social behavior was rendered predictable and repetitive , of how customs and laws linked diverse networks in unexpected ways.
SUBRAMANIAN, Lakshmi, "A Sad Song of Musical Censorship in India and Pakistan" , Huffington Post, dec. 2016.
SUBRAMANIAN, Lakshmi, "Parsi Traders in Western India, 1600-1900 », Oxford Research Encyclopedia en ligne, 2017.
SUBRAMANIAN, Lakshmi, Three merchants of Bombay, Penguin, India, 2012.
SUBRAMANIAN, Lakshmi, A history of India 1707-1857, Orient Blackswan, Delhi, 2010.
SUBRAMANIAN, Lakshmi, Veena Dhanammal The making of a legend, Routledge, 2009.
SUBRAMANIAN, Lakshmi, Ports, towns and cities: A Historical tour of the Indian littoral, Marg, Mumbai, 2008.
SUBRAMANIAN, Lakshmi, New Mansions for Music Performance, Pedagogy and Criticism, SSP- Orient Longmans, Delhi, 2008.