History,Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast

Octobre 2016 à Juin 2017
Mathias Boukary Savadogo, Ivorian, is Assistant Professor in the Department of History of Félix Houphouët-Boigny University in Cocody-Abidjan, Côte d' Ivoire. He is a specialist in contemporary Islam and is in charge of History of Religions in Africa. He supervises the students’ research for the various cycles of the Department (Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD). Under the direction of Professor Jean - Louis Triaud, he defended a thesis in history on the Tijaniyya Hamawiyya in Sahelian and forested areas of West Africa. As well as Muslim Sufi movements, Mathias Boukary Savadogo is interested in the transformations of Islam in Africa. To this end, he founded a research group focused on the Transformations of Islam in Africa (GRETIA).
"Islamic plurality in Côte d'Ivoire: actors and issues"
Muslims have been the majority in Côte d'Ivoire for a very long time. But this majority is only numeric because for decades, they have had little influence on Ivorian society from both a sociological and political point of view. Islamic actors have become more and more numerous and have obtained the right to the city. They have gone from a posture of cooperation to one of demands and negotiation with the State. The various political and social crises have reinforced this posture. The typology of Islamic actors present and the issues that motivate them will help to better identify and understand their activities on the ground.
SAVADOGO, Mathias. « Les mosquées comme espace de sociabilité des communautés musulmanes des lieux de détresse d’Abidjan », in Revue Performance n°4, 2015, pp 93-108.
SAVADOGO, Mathias. « Confessions religieuses et médias : les radios confessionnelles en Côte d’Ivoire », Revue RSS-PASRES n°3, Avril-Juin 2014, pp 37-45.
SAVADOGO, Mathias« L’organisation et la gestion des pèlerinages religieux en Côte d’Ivoire : les paradoxes de la laïcité ivoirienne », in Gilles Holder et Moussa Sow, L’Afrique des laïcités. Etat, Religion et pouvoirs au sud du Sahara, éditions Tombouctou et Ird, 2013, pp150-158
SAVADOGO, Mathias, Muriel GOMEZ-PEREZ. « La médiatisation des prêches et ses enjeux. Regards croisés sur la situation à Abidjan et à Ouagadougou », in Ethnographiques.org (en ligne) n°22, Mai 2011,
SAVADOGO, Mathias. « L’intervention des associations musulmanes dans le champ politique en Côte d’Ivoire depuis 1990 » in Gomez-Perez, M., L’Islam politique au Sud du Sahara. Identités, discours et enjeux, Paris, Karthala, pp. 583-600.