Matthew FINKIN


Law, Illinois University, United-States.

United States
Matthew FINKIN

Mars à Juin 2016


Matthew Finkin is a Law Profesor at the University of Illinois (U.S.A.) specializing in U.S. and comparative labor law. He is the author or editor, singly or in concert, of eleven books and over 100 scholarly publications. Since 1997, he has served as General Editor of the Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal. He is a member of the governing board of the Institute for Labor Law and Labor Relations in the European Union (Germany), of the international advisory board of the Guiseppe Pera Foundation (Italy), and of the editorial advisory boards of several journals. He is a holder of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Research Prize, of honorary doctorates from the University of Trier and the University of Athens, and has been accorded the rank of Chevalier in the Ordre des Palmes Academiques.

Search project

"Wage Labor and the Law"

Global economic pressure and neoliberal economic policies pose a challenge to labor law – the very question of what labor law “is,” what purposes it serves. I propose to examine afresh the history of waged labor and the law commencing well before the industrial revolution – from ancient into pre-modern times, unrestricted in time or scope – to capture the larger social, economic, and legal arc. The expectation is the eventual production of a concise socio-legal history of waged labor and the law.