Islamic finance, The Global University of Islamic Finance, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

de février à mars 2015
Murat Çizakça is Professor of Islamic Finance, Comparative Economic and Financial History at INCEIF (Global University of Islamic finance) in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. He is also a member of the Executive Academic Board of the ‘Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica F. Datini’ (International Institute of Economic History) in Prato, Italy.
Murat Çizakça received his Ph.D. in Economics and Economic History at the University of Pennsylvania, USA, in 1978. After having taught at the Bo?aziçi, Koç, Fatih and Bahçe?ehir Universities in Istanbul, he went on to become a Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin, Germany, during the 1997-98 academic year. He also served as the "Third Allianz Professor for Islamic Studies" at the Institute for the History and culture of the Middle East at the Ludwig Maximillians University in Munich, Germany.
He has authored numerous books including Islamic Capitalism and Finance: Origins, Evolution and the Future (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011); A History of Philanthropic Foundations: The Islamic World From the Seventh Century to the Present (Istanbul: Bo?aziçi University Press, 2000); Comparative Evolution of Business Partnerships (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1996). He has authored about 100 articles in learned journals and books, attracting some 250 citations.
"A history of Islamic philanthropic foundations"
Prof. Murat ÇIZAKÇA has published in 2000 a well-known book on Islamic charitable foundations (‘awqaf’ or ‘waqfs’): A History of Philanthropic Foundations: Islamic World from the Seventh Century to the Present. Much has happened in the world of Islamic philanthropy since, and he now intends to bring this work up to date and at the same time expand it by introducing the European dimension, thus making it comparative.
Murat ÇIZAKÇA has personally contributed to this evolution of Islamic philanthropy. He is for example involved in writing a new law on waqfs for Malaysia, and has been invited by the General Directorate of waqfs in Turkey to prepare a critical assessment of a new law being prepared jointly by the Islamic Development Bank’s research division, IRTI, and the Kuwait Foundation. These new laws will no doubt open up new avenues for Islamic philanthropy in the near future.
These developments and many others need to be incorporated into a new monograph. The fellowship at IAS-Nantes will give the opportunity for Murat ÇIZAKÇA to investigate on European charitable foundations.
ÇIZAKÇA, Murat. Origins and Evolution of Risk Sharing in Islam. Presented at Implications of Participation Model in Finance, Islamic Finance Conference Series I, Istanbul Stock Exchange, March 4th 2014. [online, visited 09/04/14]
ÇIZAKÇA, Murat. Islamic Wealth Management in History and Present. Presented at the Toyo Bunko Tokyo, Feb.8th 2014. [online, visited 09/04/14]
ÇIZAKÇA, Murat. Waqf, Its Basic Operational Structure and Development. Presented at the INCEIF/IRTI Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 21st 2014.
ÇIZAKÇA, Murat. Finance and Development in Islam: A Historical Perspective and a Brief Look Forward. In Zamir IQBAL and Abbas MIRAKHOR, Economic Development and Islamic Finance. Washington D.C.: The World Bank, July 2013. Chap. 4, p.133-149. [online, visited 09/04/2014]
ÇIZAKÇA, Murat. The Ottoman Government and Economic Life, 1453-1606. In Suraiya FAROQHI and Kate FLEET. Cambridge History of Turkey, vol. II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
ÇIZAKÇA, Murat. Esham: A Shari’ah Based Yet Fixed Return Instrument for Investment. Global Islamic Finance Review, 2013, pp. 91-93.