
Regional Labour Court of first Region, Fluminense Federal University, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Law, Sociology

Octobre 2012 à Juin 2013


Roberto Fragale holds a doctorate in political science from the University of Montpellier I (1997) andhe teaches sociology of law at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)., He is also a researcher-teacher for the professional Master on the Judiciary Power at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-RJ). He was visiting professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2006) and the University Paul Valéry - Montpellier III (2009 and 2010). In 2004, he was the first judge in the labor relations board section of the city of São João de Meriti (RJ), and has been the educational coordinator of the School of Magistrates of the TRT-RJ since 2009. During 2010, he was also Chairman of the National High School of Magistracy of Labour (CONEMATRA).

Search project

Training system, recruitment system and mobility. Challenges of the training of judges in Brazil

Over the last five years, marked by the creation of two national training schools for professional judges, the situation of the Brazilian judiciary schools was characterized by uncertainty. These two national schools must support more than one hundred regional judiciary schools, divided among different branches and in competition with other actors whose action does not necessarily apply to the pedagogy of training of judges. This multiplicity of actors, enjoying legitimacy with variable geometry, depending on whether one adopts an administrative, associative or learning perspective, makes the process more complex and the debate polyphonic. We try here to understand the impact of the new architecture of the system of training of judges on the Brazilian judicial system and, moreover, by making the comparison with the French system, we examine what can be learned on the transformations of Justice and the profession of judge.


FRAGALE FILHO, Roberto. Courts on screen: e-government and the increase of judicial transparency. In : MANOHARAN, Aroon, HOLZER, Marc (éds.). E-Governance and Civic Engagement: factors and determinants of e-democracy. Hershey (PA) USA: Information Science Reference, 2012. 655 p.

FRAGALE FILHO, Roberto, VERONESE, Alexandre. Eletronic Justice in Brazil. In: MARTÍNEZ, Agustí Cerrilo, ABAT, Pere Fabra. (Org.). E-Justice: Using Information Communication Technologies in the Court System. Hershey (PA) USA: Information Science Reference (IGI Global), 2009. p. 135-151.

FRAGALE FILHO, Roberto (2009). The use of ICT in Brazilian courts. Eletronic Journal of e-Government, v. 7, issue 4, article 152, 2009. p. 349-358.

FRAGALE FILHO, Roberto. Aprendendo a ser juiz: A Escola da Magistratura da Justiça do Trabalho do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Topbooks, 2008.

JEAMMAUD, Antoine, ALVIM, Joaquim Leonel de Rezende, FRAGALE FILHO, Roberto. Trabalho, Cidadania & Magistratura. Rio de Janeiro: Edições Trabalhistas, 2000.