Sociology and South Asian Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Octobre 2013 à Juin 2014
Professor Jeffery has a BA in economics from the University of Cambridge, and a PhD in sociology from the University of Edinburgh. He has taught sociology and South Asian studies at the University of Edinburgh since 1972. His expertise is in the study of the relationships between society, medicine and public health, with reference to South Asia in general and India in particular, within a global context. His international reputation for innovative research on public health policy and processes in the Indian sub-continent was first established in 1988, with the publication of The Politics of Health in India, which set out an overview of how health policies and programmes had developed over the period 1800-1985. Following the research carried out for that book, he has conducted a series of projects on health services in the lives of India’s population, spending extended periods living in India, in villages, small towns and large cities such as New Delhi. In the past decade, Roger Jeffery has led large-scale, multi-national and multi-disciplinary research projects addressing education and its interactions with patterns of rural social change, especially with fertility decision-making, access to medicines, and the growing number of innovatory experimental trials in bio-medicine and public health.
The transformation of Indias health systems, 1972-2012
During his fellowship at IAS-Nantes, Roger Jeffery will conduct an exploration of how India’s health services – public and private – have been transformed over the 40-years that he has spent studying them. He brings together social and political macro-perspectives, as well as a personal familiarity with ethnographic, village-level data, national level policy analysis and the insights derived from major research projects.
India is now on the cusp of major transformations in its disease profiles, its patterns of health provisions, and its location in the global health economy. Ill-health and disease still offer threats to the well-being and socio-economic development of the poor, partly due to weak public health systems, misaligned research agendas and a lack of access to technologies. But India also has sophisticated medical facilities (attracting ‘medical tourists’ from developed economies), a thriving generics pharmaceutical industry, and a substantial and growing role in clinical and public health trials.
This project should produce a book and scholarly articles providing a challenging critical assessment of current trends.
JEFFERY, Roger. Researching health care in South Asia, 1970-2010. In Jodhka S. (ed.). Interrogating India’s Modernity. New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2013.
Brhlikova P., Harper I., JEFFERY Roger, Rawal N., Subedi M. and Santhosh M. R. Trust and the Regulation of Pharmaceuticals: South Asia in a Globalised World. Globalisation and Health [online], July 2011, vol. 7 (10). Available on link (visited the 28.05.2013)
Heath A.P. and JEFFERY, Roger, (ed.). Change and Diversity: Economics, Politics and Society in Contemporary India. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2010, 324 p. (coll. Proceedings of the British Academy, n°159). ISBN 978-0-197264-51-5
Jeffrey C., Jeffery P. and JEFFERY, Roger . Degrees without Freedom? Education, Masculinities and Unemployment in north India. Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2007, 256 p. ISBN 978-0-8047-5743-0; New Delhi: Social Science Press, 2010, 256 p. ISBN 978-81-87358-58-9
JEFFERY, Roger. The Politics of Health in India. Berkeley ; London : University of California Press, 1988, 360 p. ISBN 978-0-520059-38-2. (Electronic version, March 2009)