Sitharamam KAKARALA


Law, AzimPremji University, India

Sitharamam KAKARALA

Avril à Juin 2017


Sitharamam Kakarala teaches Law and Justice in a Globalizing World and Comparative Public Law/Systems of Governance. He joined Azim Premji University from Glocal University, Uttar Pradesh where he was the Vice Chancellor. Prior to that, he was briefly a Visiting Professor in Bengaluru and for much longer periods a Professor at the Centre for Culture and Society and at the National Law School of India, Bangalore.

Search project

"Dialogue with Justice Alam"

His research interests are focused on socio-legal and political theory, law and culture, human rights law, comparative law and comparative constitutionalism. Understanding postcolonial constitutionalism, especially the developments related to the languages of human rights in the global South, contemporary social and legal theory, and comparative studies. He also has long term interest in the ideas of law and rights and the trajectories of their circulation and transformation, especially in, but not confined to, India.
