University of Nantes

Octobre 2021 à juin 2022
After a thesis in mathematical economics at the University of Aix-Marseille in 2002, Sophie Pardo was recruited as a post-doctoral fellow at the INRA in Montpellier and then at HEC Montreal. She has been a lecturer in economics at the University of Nantes since October 2005, attached to the LEMNA laboratory. Since January 2021, she has been deputy director of the Institut Universitaire Mer et Littoral (IUML, FR CNRS 3473).
Her research work is part of the microeconomics of uncertainty. She is interested in decision-making under uncertainty and risk perception. Her fields of application are coastal and marine risk management and adaptation to global change. She works on the adaptation of coastal communities to coastal risks (marine submersion in particular) and on the vulnerability of the shellfish farming sector to health risks accentuated by climate change. For many years, she has conducted this research within interdisciplinary programmes and the implementation of interdisciplinarity has become a central issue in her research practice. She is also interested in the dissemination of scientific and technical culture and is involved in Art & Science projects.
In this project, Sophie Pardo will focus on the role of knowledge sharing and scientific uncertainty in the perception of climate change and natural hazards and in social representations. She will study how a more explicit representation of uncertainty linked to scientific results could contribute to improving the sharing of representations, strengthening the understanding of the issues and the culture of risk among individuals and playing a role in the acceptability of adaptive and flexible adaptation measures.