Working the soil, working the rivers, animal labor mobilized at various stages of history, photosynthesis to produce the air we breathe, working the subsoil that has served as the basis for our fossil fuel economies... Today, the productive forces of animals, plants and minerals are gradually emerging from invisibility.

The work of the earth
From the origins of life to the intelligent, sensitive Earth, where we describe nature's “work” to ensure the Earth's habitability...
With Jérôme Gaillardet, Professor of Earth Sciences at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris and Gaëlle Charron, Associate Professor at Université Paris Cité.
Animal and plant labor
The enslavement of nature by an economy of exhaustion, showing how animals - and plants - have been mobilized in our industrial revolutions.
With François Jarrige, lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Burgundy.
Working with water and rivers
From the earliest civilizations to mega-basins, we explore a perspective that is both historical (the transformation of watersheds) and contemporary (the capture of bodies of water: dams, power plants, intensive agriculture)...
With Giacomo Parrinello, professor at Sciences Po Paris, specialist in the history of water, energy and the Anthropocene.
(Video to come)