#15ans - The Institute in 5 years?

21 June 2024

2pm to 6pm (session reserved for the Board of Directors, Scientific Advisory Board, partners, collegial management and members of the Institute's team)


Institut d'études avancées de Nantes
Salle A
5, allée Jacques Berque – 44000 NANTES
Tél. 02 53 00 94 87


At the dawn of its fifteenth year of existence, the Institut d'études avancées de Nantes faces a number of challenges, some of them contradictory, which we wish to explore so that they become fertile. Collective intelligence is a powerful weapon for paving the way.

How can we honor the site's history while inventing new forms?
How can we foster links between researchers from the Pays de la Loire and those who spend a few months at the Institute?
How can we create a community when our ex-fellows are scattered all over the world?
How can we take climate issues into account while resorting to long-haul flights?
How can we take on the ease and disembodiment of the all-digital world while preserving the keystone of dialogue and encounters?
How can we preserve freedom of research while encouraging dialogue between science and society?

These are just some of the questions we'll be tackling, guided by Laurent Jacques