#15ans - In 2024, the Institute celebrates 15 years of existence

Since its creation in 2009, the Institut has welcomed over 450 researchers and artists from all over the world. Numerous scientific activities of various sizes have taken place within its walls: seminars, workshops, conferences, performances, colloquia, informal encounters, moments of conviviality... have all contributed to the life of our place.

Allée Jacques Berque

At the turn of the second decade, the 2020s brought their share of novelties: team renewal, experimentation with new management styles and formats, a global epidemic, changes to the funding structure...

Since 2021-2022, the collegial management team has initiated a major overhaul.

The team has been recomposed, the implementation of activities has been clarified, and projects have been adapted: agile, open and in tune with current issues. With a constant concern for transparency, governance has become a collective issue.

Clearly, the most arduous task is to preserve the DNA of this real-life utopia, while at the same time inventing the more flexible and agile Institute of tomorrow.

The Institute is a res publica: its future depends on what we do with it.

We face many challenges, some of them contradictory, and we want to explore them so that they become fertile. Collective intelligence is a powerful weapon for charting our course.

How can we honor the history of the site while inventing new forms?
How can we foster links between researchers from the Pays de la Loire and those who spend a few months at the Institute?
How can we create a community when our ex-fellows are scattered all over the world?
How can we take climate issues into account while resorting to long-haul flights?
How can we take on the ease and disembodiment of the all-digital world while preserving the keystone of dialogue and encounters?
How can we preserve freedom of research while encouraging dialogue between science and society?

The week of June 17 to 21, 2024 is an opportunity to celebrate the Institute's anniversary in a number of ways, including the following program.


Séminaire de Luis Mora Rodriguez 2022-2023


Monday June 17th

Tuesday June 18th

Wednesday June 19th

Thursday June 20th

Friday June 21st

  • 14h-18h - Brainstorm on the future of the Institute (for Boards of directors, Scientific Advisory Board, Collegial management, team and partners)
  • 19h - Party and DJ set with Mélanie Bauer (open to all)