17 June 2024

De 16h30 à 17h30
Institut d'études avancées de Nantes
Amphithéâtre Simone Weil
5, allée Jacques Berque – 44000 NANTES
Tél. 02 53 00 94 87
Opening of the Institut d'études avancées anniversary week.
Luis Mora Rodriguez, Pierre-Etienne Kenfack and Emmanuelle Garcia, members of the 2022-2024 collegial management team, present the week's events.
The latest developments at the Institute are outlined:
- appointment by the Board of Directors of the incoming member of the collegial management team: Sophie Halart
- a new chairman for the Scientific Advisory Board: Marc-Henry Soulet
- updating of the scientific project and major challenges for the Institute
- creation of several Chairs: Arts, Societies and Contemporary Mutations Chair, Habiter au prisme des limites planétaires Chair, Communs Chair...
- involvement of the Institut in Camille de Toledo's project: Towards an international approach to rivers and other natural elements