Environmental Conflicts, Social Structures and Invasive Species Control
organized by Raphael Kweyu and Judith Miller
Tuesday, June 13–Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Online and in Nantes, France
This two-day workshop will focus on the control of invasive species in complex and conflictual social contexts.
The workshop will take place in a hybrid virtual and on-site format, with the on-site component at the Institute for Advanced Study–Nantes (IEA-Nantes), France. The languages of the conference are English and French, with interpretation available.
Organizers: Dr. Raphael Kweyu, Kenyatta University (Kenya) and IEA-Nantes; Prof. Judith Miller, Georgetown University (USA) and IEA-Nantes.
Registration is free but mandatory:
Link to the registration form
Twenty in-person registrations are available.
Aims and scope: This workshop aims to bring together empirical researchers, environmental professionals and theoreticians to share perspectives on invasive species control in a social context. It will emphasize management in the face of disparate interests as well as nonviolent or violent conflicts. With participants from diverse parts of the globe, the workshop aims to help form interdisciplinary connections that lead to relevant research and effective social and environmental interventions.
A limited number of slots for contributed talks and online posters are available. Those interested in presenting should register by April 30, 2023, and use the options in the registration page to propose a title and abstract for consideration. Selected presenters will be notified in early May, 2023.
A very limited amount of travel funding is available for PhD students. Those wishing to apply for funding should register by April 30, 2023; the funding request form is accessible through the registration site.
Registered participants will receive detailed information about the workshop via email.