Raphael Mulaha KWEYU


Investigating the role of mediation in environmental conflicts in the Karamoja cluster of East Africa.

Environmental science
Raphael Mulaha KWEYU

Novembre 2022 à juin 2023


Raphael Mulaha Kweyu is a Kenyan born mid-career researcher and university lecturer in physical and environmental studies. He has academic qualifications in both natural and social sciences having earned PhD in Environmental Governance and Management, Masters in Bio-geography and Bachelors in Biology, Geography and Business Studies. He possesses skills in Natural Resources Conflict Mediation, Geo-spatial Analyses and Qualitative Methods. He has taught several courses at the university level for over ten years and supervised postgraduate students in various disciplines. He has carried out research both collaboratively and individually in Forest related conflicts, Climate Change Adaptation in Arid and Semi-Arid zones, Indigenous Knowledge in Agricultural Practices and Environmental Health. He has carried out consultancy in different disciplines including the social dynamics of ground water management in Kenyan Dry-lands and qualitative data analyses for water and forest governance project in Kenya and Uganda. He is also a board member to the GreenBelt Movement in Kenya.

Search project

Investigating the role of mediation in environmental conflicts in the Karamoja cluster of East Africa.

There is growing need to resolve environmental conflicts that are occasioned by climate shifts and perceived natural resource scarcities. Some of these conflicts are trans-boundary and involve multiple ethnicities competing for shared spaces. One example of protracted and intractable conflict has been experienced in the Karamoja cluster in Eastern Africa. Whereas there is an avalanche of literature on conflict dynamics and sources, there is a growing need to explore extra-conventional conflict resolution mechanisms in Africa such as those that take a bottom up approach. Mediation, albeit a very old traditional practice, has often been ignored by formal conflict resolutions. This study proposes to investigate the role of mediation in resource and climate related conflicts in the Karamoja. The research will employ a mixed methods study design including desk review of archival data, analysis of satellite data on climate and natural resource dynamics and a case study based on qualitative field data collection. Data analysis will involve spatial modelling and correlations between conflict hot spots, climate and natural resource dynamics as well as themetazing and coding of qualitative data. The study findings will be useful in increasing our knowledge on indigenous knowledge and environmental conflict resolution.

  1. Kweyu R. (2022). Communicating Cultural Identity in the Management of Forest Related Conflicts in Eastern Mau, Kenya. Conflict Resolution Quarterly. Accepted for publication in July 2022.

  1. Antwi-Agyei, P., Monney, I., Amaning Adjei, K., Kweyu, R., & Simiyu, S. (2022). Shared but Clean Household Toilets: What Makes This Possible? Evidence from Ghana and Kenya. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(7), 4271.

  1. Simiyu, S., Antwi-Agyei, P., Adjei, K., & Kweyu, R. (2021). Developing and Testing Strategies for Improving Cleanliness of Shared Sanitation in Low-Income Settlements of Kisumu, Kenya. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, tpmd201634. Volume 105: Issue 6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.20-1634

  1. Muchuma K, Obando J and Kweyu R. (2021). Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection Using Geospatial Techniques and Field Survey on Chetambe Hills in Bungoma County, Kenya. Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology, Vol.4, Iss.1, Pages 80-93, January-March 2021

  1. Simiyu, S. N., Kweyu, R. M, Antwi-Agyei, P., & Adjei, K. A. (2020). Barriers and opportunities for cleanliness of shared sanitation facilities in low-income settlements in Kenya. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1-12.

  1. Antwi-Agyei P, Dwumfour-Asare, B, Adjei, K, Kweyu, R, Simiyu, S. (2020). Understanding the Barriers and Opportunities for Effective Management of Shared Sanitation in Low-Income Settlements- The case of Kumasi, Ghana. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 4528; doi:10.3390/ijerph17124528.

  1. Kweyu, R. M, Thenya, T., Kiemo, K., & Emborg, J. (2020). The nexus between land cover changes, politics and conflict in Eastern Mau forest complex, Kenya, Applied Geography, 114, 102115.

  1. Ogutu FA, Kimata DM, Kweyu RM. (2020). Partnerships for sustainable cities as options for improving solid waste management in Nairobi city. Waste Management & Research. November 2020. doi:10.1177/0734242X20967735

  1. R. Kweyu, K. Kiemo, T. Thenya, J. Emborg & C. Gamborg. (2019). Spatial and Political Factors in Forest Resource Conflicts: The Eastern Mau Forest Case 1992– 2014, Society & Natural Resources, 32:11, 1276-1292, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2019.1620899

  1. Kweyu, R. M. (2018). Finger Millet (Eleucine coracana) Yield Estimation: Integrating Remote Sensing and Farm Management Practices in Busia-Kenya, Africa Environmental Review Journal, 3(1), 143-152

  1. Kweyu, R., Thenya, T., Emborg, Jens & Kagombe, J., (2018). Forest Related Conflicts: Management and Capacity Building. Forest Resources Utilization, Livelihoods and Conflicts: Synthesis of research under the "Stabilizing Kenya Through Solving Forest Related Conflicts project" (STAKE) 2012-2016. Wahome, R., Thenya, T., Vindelov, V. & Emborg, J. (eds.). Lambert Academic Publishing, p. 90-91 (book chapter)

  1. Kweyu, R., Thenya, T., Emborg, Jens & Kagombe, J. (2018). Policy on conflict resolution in Kenya: Forest Related Conflicts - Management and Capacity Building. Forest Resources Utilization, Livelihoods and Conflicts: Synthesis of research under the "Stabilizing Kenya Through Solving Forest Related Conflicts project" (STAKE) 2012-2016. Wahome, R., Thenya, T., Vindelov, V. & Emborg, J. (eds.). Lambert Academic Publishing, p. 117-123 (book chapter)

  1. Kagombe,J, Kweyu, R and Thenya, T (2018). Capacity building on participatory Forest management & Conflict management Courses in Wahome, R, Thenya T, Vindelov V, Emborg J. (Eds). 2018. Forest Resources Utilization, Livelihoods and Conflicts: Synthesis of research under the “Stabilizing Kenya Through Solving Forest Related Conflicts project” (STAKE) 2012-2016 , Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic publishers. (Book chapter)

  1. Kweyu, R. (2017). Can Devolution assist Kenyan Marginalized communities to adapt to climate? CODESRIA Bulletin No.3&4 2017

  1. Barthelme J, Hunt K, Ngari L, Kipintoi W, Kweyu R, and Murimi S. (2009). Renewed Survey and Excavations in the Lake Magadi Basin Southern Kenya in Nyame Akuma, Bulletin of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists No. 71 June 2009