Aiqing ZHENG


Social law, Remnin University of China, Beijing, China

Aiqing ZHENG

Janvier à Mars 2014 (précédent séjour en mai 2007)


Aiqing Zheng, was born in China. After obtaining her Bachelor of Law and Master of Law from the Renmin University of China, she worked there as a lecturer during seven years. Being selected for the training program Droit en Europe (Law in Europe), she resided eight months in France. After this program, she received a French scholarship to study for her Ph. D at University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. With her Ph. D in law, she returned to Renmin University of China to continue her teaching so far as Associate Professor. In China, she is invited as correspondante for the Revue de droit du travail and for the Planetlabor website.

Her research subjects are as follows: History of labour law, comparative labour law, fundamental rights, European and international labour law and social security law.

Search project

Perspectives on labour law

The recent development of labour law in China, pushed by the economic boom, is accompanied, in fact, by the debate and the absence of essential researches in the field. It is worth carrying out some reflections and studies on some fundamental aspects of this young legal branch of law from different perspectives, for instance, from the perspective of history, of economy, of culture, of law, of human rights and of international commerce or of globalization. The research intends, by access to occidental documents, to gain a comprehensive understanding on the origin, the historical process of labour law in other countries, especially in occidental countries, the interactions between labour law and economy, as well as the application or the efficiency of labour legislation.


ZHENG, Aiqing. La relation de travail et les libertés individuelles des travailleurs en Chine: problèmes et causes. In AUVERGNON Philippe (éd.). Libertés individuelles et relations de travail: le possible, le permis et l’interdit ? : Eléments de droit comparé. Bordeaux : Presse Universitaire de Bordeaux, 2011, p. 365-376.

ZHENG, Aiqing. [Introduction au droit du contrat de travail français] (Ouvrage en chinois). Beijing : Guangming Daily, 2010.

ZHENG, Aiqing. Open-ended Employment Contract: Re-emergence of the ‘Tenure’? Journal for Law and Policy in China, 2009, vol. 3(1), p. 23-38.

ZHENG, Aiqing. [Loi sur le contrat de travail: Reformes et insuffisances en matière des normes de relations individuelles de travail] (Article en chinois). [Journal de l’Université des Sciences Politique et Juridique Hua-dong], 6/2008, p. 110-115.

ZHENG, Aiqing. Libertés et droits fondamentaux des travailleurs en Chine. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2007, 472 p.