Chikouna CISSÉ


Contemporary history, University of Cocody, Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Côte d'Ivoire
Chikouna CISSÉ

Octobre 2012 à Juin 2013


Born in Gagnoa with Ivorian nationality, Chikouna Cissé holds a PhD in history on the theme: Migration and development of the Lower Ivory Coast (1920-1960), Study of a regional dynamic in the mobility of labour force. Since 2009 he is research/teaching assistant in the Department of History at the University of Cocody-Abidjan. He is author of several papers presented at conferences on the Jula world, and publications on migration in colonial Ivory Coast, social transformations in contemporary Ivory Coast, on Islamic brotherhood and the Islamization of Ivory Coast: hamallist brotherhood, trafficking and captivity in northern Ivory Coast at the time of the Almamy Samori. He is member since 2007 of the collaborative website of exchanges on cross-sectional studies on the Colonial World (ETC).

Search project

from cola hawkers to political entrepreneurs: a historical perspective of the changing Jula world in Ivory Coast (XIX-XXI centuries)

One of the major objectives of this project is to get out of what Valentine Mudimbe calls the colonial library in the analysis of transformations in postcolonial African societies. Indeed, for over two decades, the Ivory Coast that concerns us here is plagued by political and social tensions whose understanding is inseparable from internal developments in the Jula world. Thus to explain the dynamics of contemporary conflict in Ivory Coast, many specialists, eager to decipher the mechanisms to obey the agendas of the news, were quick to link the African geopolitical to the political ambitions of Jula Alassane Ouattara; which could, according to them, upset the traditional balance of Ivorian society, leaving them (the Jula), outside the scope of their traditional activities as merchants. If his career (Ouattara) is interesting to understand the recomposition of the political map since the disappearance of Ivorian President Houphouet Boigny in 1993, it cannot be regarded as the inaugural gesture of political ferment in the Jula world which is part of a long-term dynamic that this research project aims to restitute to better explain the current developments and their implications for Côte d’Ivoire.


CISSÉ, Chikouna. Les compagnies concessionnaires à Gagnoa au temps de la mise en valeur des colonies : l’ère des forçats sur les exploitations agricoles de la SPROA (1926-1946) », in PARÉ, Moussa (dir.). Sources orales et histoires. Mélanges offerts au Pr. Henriette R. Dagri-Diabaté, Abidjan. Abidjan : Editions du CERAP, 2012. p. 227-246.

CISSÉ, Chikouna. Migrations, recompositions territoriales et identités ethniques en AOF : les Mossis de la Haute Côte d’Ivoire (1932-1947). In MOUSSA, Willy Batenga, CLAVER HIEN, Pierre, et al. (éds.). La reconstitution de la Haute-Volta, Actes du colloque international sur l’histoire du Burkina-Faso. Ouagadougou : Harmattan Burkina, 2010. p. 91-105

CISSÉ, Chikouna. Ordre colonial et mouvements de populations en AOF : permanences et ruptures des trajectoires migratoires soudanaises en Côte d’Ivoire (1904-1960). Revue ivoirienne d’Histoire, 2011, n°20, p.59-73

CISSÉ, Chikouna. Mise en valeur et pôles de migrations en AOF : les circulations de main-d’œuvre dans le septentrion ivoirien au temps des compagnies concessionnaires (1920-1946). Revue d’Histoire et d’archéologie africaine. GODO-GODO, 2011, n°21, p.41-53

CISSÉ, Chikouna. Conflits armées et nouvelles mobilités en Afrique de l’ouest : le cas du mouvement de retour des Maliens suite à la crise ivoirienne de septembre 2002. In KIPRÉ, Pierre et AKÉ N’GBO, Gilbert Marie (dir.). Conflits régionaux et indépendances nationales en Afrique de l’ouest. Paris : l’Harmattan, 2011. p.21-30