
Law, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brasil


Octobre 2018 à Juin 2019


Daniel Damasio Borges is Brazilian, holds a PhD in public international law from Paris I University and is professor of public international law at the University of the State of São Paulo (UNESP) – Franca campus. He was awarded the Thesis Prize of the Doctoral School of international and European law by Paris I University (Panthéon-Sorbonne) in 2012. His main subjects of research are international social law, international economic law and comparative law.

Search project

The application and interpretation of International Labour Organization Conventions by the Brazilian and European domestic courts: a study of comparative law

As one of the founding members on International Labour Organization (ILO), Brazil has ratified many conventions adopted by the international organization. The provisions of these conventions have raised many controversial issues in Brazilian domestic courts, such as the incorporation of international law in municipal law and the role of international law in guaranteeing social rights to the individuals. In order to assess the meaning and reach of these conventions in the Brazilian domestic system, I would like to develop a comparative analysis on this topic, especially with European States. Many reasons justify this choice. First, the European States have ratified a significant number of ILO conventions and have inspired many of them. In addition, labour law in the European States is generally more protective than the Brazilian labour law. It is important to study how States that have a longer tradition in labour law have interpreted and applied the ILO conventions.


DAMASIO BORGES, Daniel. L'Etat social face au commerce international. Paris :
L'Harmattan, 2012,684 p.

DAMASIO BORGES, Daniel. « Sobre a proteçao contra a conduta desleal dos Estados no
comércio intemacional: as ambiguidades de sua disciplinajuridica ede seus fundamentos no
direito da OMC ».In: Revis/a Dùreito GV, v. 13, 2017, pp. 428-456.

DAMASIO BORGES, Daniel. « Sobre o controle jurisdicional da politica extema: notas
acerca do caso Battisti no STF ». In: Revis/a Direito GV, v. 10,2014, pp. 221-224.

DAMASIO BORGES, Daniel. Represalias nos contenciosos econômicos na Organizaçãio
Mundial do Comércio: uma analise na per.spectiva dos paises em desenvolvimento. São
Paulo, Editora Aduaneiras, 2008, 532 p.

DAMASIO BORGES, Daniel. « Fundamentos do direito intemacional social: o papel do
direito intemacional pûblico nas politicas sociais ». In: Neto, José Duat1e (org.). Temas de
Direito P(Jblico. São Paulo : Cul tura Acadêmica Editora, 2013, pp. 75-90.