BFA Visual Arts/ Indonesia Institute of Arts, Indonesia.

Chaire Arts, sociétés et mutations contemporaines 2022-2023
Elia NURVISTA explores a wide range of art mediums with an interdisciplinary approachand focuses on the discourse on food. Through food, she intends to scrutinize power,social, and economic inequality in this world.In 2015 she initiated “Bakudapan”, a food study group, with colleagues frominterdisciplinary backgrounds. With Bakudapan she has conducted research on foodwithin the socio-political and cultural context. She is also part of Struggles forSovereignty, the solidarity platform on land, water, farming, food which was initiated byBakudapan and Bodies of Power/Power for Bodies.She has participated in several exhibitions including Dhaka Art Summit in Dhaka (2020),Karachi Biennale in Karachi (2019) and ‘The 9th Asia Pacific Triennial of ContemporaryArt’,at QAGOMA, Brisbane (2018) among others. She was nominated for Visible award(2017)for socially-engaged practices. She also curated Jogja Biennale Equator VI;Indonesia with Oceania (2021), ADAM LAB at TPAC (Taipei Performing Arts Center)
Long Hanging FruitsThis project tries to explore the complexity behind the economics of palm oil. From thelong debates about devastating ecologies, exploited labor, land conflicts of indigenouspeople in Global South into the consumer's ethic and public policies relate to the chainfrom production into consumption.My interest is to examine this paradoxical situation, between the ethics and politics thatare entangled with capital and profit that invests in the palm oil industry, which in theend generated some policies. I am eager to see the discourse between the morals andpolitics of the government, corporation, investors and shareholders that has to beaccountable and responsible for the climate crisis, ecology and humanitarian. Goingparallelly the same actors through market forces and involved the government and lawset the regulations on the management of joint stock corporations and transnationalfinancial markets, which facilitated cooperation between metropolitan investors andfrontier entrepreneurs.