Education Sciences, University of Paris 8, France

Octobre 2015 à Juin 2016
Gabriela C. PATIÑO-LAKATOS was born in Cali, Colombia, in 1979 to a Colombian father and an Hungarian mother. She attended her first years of primary school, between 1986 and 1989, in Budapest. In Colombia, she studied psychology at the Universidad del Valle from a psychoanalytic, linguistic, philosophical and anthropological approach. She earned her Psychology degree in 2005 at the University de Valle in Colombia, after having submitted her dissertation “The Body of Metaphor: a critical reading of George LAKOFF’s theses”. In France, she earned in 2007 her Master’s degree in philosophy of education at the Université Paris 8 with her dissertation “Metaphor as a subjectifying operation”. In 2013, she earned her PhD in philosophy of education at the Université Paris 8 with her doctoral thesis “Metaphor: a Pivotal Operation between Thought, Language and World”. Between 2012 and 2015, she has been working in the PANAM research program (Pédagogie Artistique Accessible et Multimodale), financed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche of France.
"Digital interfaces and navigation instrument: what are the issues for the prosthetic activities and for human economies?"
One ambition of the large-scale industrial development of a new so-called “digital” technology is to increase our sensory capacities and to boost our perceptual experience by means of multiple machine-like interfaces. This proposed research project, which is grounded on three years of prior empirical study, will examine this promise of unprecedented expansion of our potential for experience, in order to measure its conditions of possibility, its challenges, and consequences on cultural and subjective construction. What transformations occur in the subject of these experiences? What kind of “semiosis” do these new technological means contribute to set up? The analysis will be carried out from an anthropological approach including philosophical, semiotic and psychoanalytical perspectives: what is at the core of the inquiry about these experiences is nothing less than the hearing, seeing and speaking subject. Gabriela Patiño-Lakatos will distinguish the essential conditions which are necessary to transform these sensory experiences into authentic objects of experience, that is, into semiotic articulation acts that signify for somebody. Putting forth fundamental conditions to make our prosthetic activity bring about subjectivity and symbolization, Gabriela Patiño-Lakatos will simultaneously analyze current digital practices.
2012. « Dimension pragmatique de la métaphore : discours politique, référence et monde », in Victor Klemperer. Repenser le langage totalitaire. L. Aubry, B. Turpin (sous dir.), Paris, CNRS Editions.
2014. « Histoires sensibles. Une expérience de création vibrasonore à l’Institut de Jeunes Sourds » avec P. Criton, E. Falcucci, H. Genevois, in Le journal de Saint-Jacques, le magazine d’information de l’INJS, n° 43, p. 18-20.
2014. Louis A. Sass, Locura y modernismo. La esquizofrenia a la luz del arte, la literatura y el pensamiento modernos. Traducción de Gabriela Patiño-Lakatos, revisión técnica de Marino Pérez Álvarez. Madrid, Editorial Dykinson. De l’anglais : Louis Sass, Madness and Modernism: Insanity in the Light of Modern Art, Literature, and Thought. New York, Basic Books, 1992.