Philosophy, Emeritus, France

Octobre 2015 à Juin 2016
Marc CHOPPLET is a philosopher and a sociologist. He has 30 years of experience in research and innovation on aspects related to Science, Technology and Society as well as implementation at different spatial and temporal levels. His professional experience includes the Centre for the Study of Systems and Advanced Technologies (through the coordination of international actions: international biotechnology Network, EUREKA projects in life Science and Technologies), European Institute of Technology. From 1990 to 2013 he led an interface structure first called Biopôle then Alternatech and finally Agro-Transfert Resources and Territories which focus on research in the field of science and technology applied to plant and development. This structure was at the origin of the global competitiveness Cluster Industries and Agro-Resources (IAR). He is a Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Quaderni since 1990; President of the French Association ADEBIO biotechnology (1999-2002).Between 1992 and 2006, he was in charge of a seminar in the Technology, Communication, Power (1992-2006) post-graduate course at the University of Paris I Sorbonn. He published several papers on new technology development strategies, social acceptability and communication issues, power and ethics associated with these developments.
"A critical and comparative analysis of the dynamics of change in the field of Life Sciences and Biotechnologies, in France and in the United States. An attempt to highlight the sociocultural architecture of technological choices."
Sciences and technologies of the living are particularly focused on in this project. They effectively concern physiological phenomena which directly affect human existence and the milieu in which this existence is lived out. It is also impossible to completely dissassociate these from cultural and symbolic representations. Through a genealogical approach to the history of Life Sciences in France and the United States, and the analysis of the interaction between science and society in these fields, this research project aims firstly to outline the structure and fields of representation which not only shape scientific research but also give rise to debates and controversies. Secondly, it sets out to confront these issues with the institutional discourse of public policy in France over the last 40 years with regard to innovation in the field of biotechnologies, and to examine how much these owe to the symbolic representations previously identified. The objective of this approach is to have a combined grasp of scientific discourses of knowledge and power, the critical discourse of fear and controversy, and the institutional discourse of law and politics, to enable the structuring elements of choice operating within our societies to be identified.
2014. « Projets, Innovation et Territoires : les nouvelles frontières du local », in La Société éclatée : le retour de l'objet local, Edition de l’Aube.
2011. « Les dimensions religieuses du principe de précaution », in Le principe de précaution : idéologie ou approfondissement démocratique ?, Ph. Busquin (sous dir.), Université de Mons/Lansman éditeur.
2006. « Leçons sur la liberté », in Politique, Communication et Technologies, Mélanges en hommage à Lucien Sfez, Paris, PUF.
2004. « Vers des alternatives végétales, l’émergence d’une nouvelle bioéconomie », avec D. Thomas, Futuribles, no 295.
1996. « Le Téléthon ou les paradoxes de la communication scientifique à la télévision », Quaderni “Sciences de la vie et Médias”, no 29.
1993. « Le vivant réquisitionné », avec A. Santana, in Prospective des déséquilibres mondiaux : rapport sur l’évolution du monde, CPE/GRET.