History, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal

Octobre 2015 à Juin 2016
Mor NDAO was born in Khombole, Senegal. He was in his early teaching career a school master, then a Certified Highschool of the highest grade. Holder of a Doctorate in history, he was recruited as an Assistant at Dakar University in 2004. Appointed asssistant Professor after the defense of his second Thesis in Humanities in 2011, he is now Senior Lecturer, Inspector General of Education and Director of the Commission 3 for the writing of the General History of Senegal. In 2007, he was laureate of an Amadou Hampathé BA Fellowship (Communauté Urbaine de Nantes) and the Senegal Coordinator of the Research Team 12155 IRD/ANRS France. He has taken part in other research programmes of the Codesria (Child and Youth, Africa 21, Codesria-Child Watch International 2012). He has produced works on food, military and urban issues, and has published several works on colonial medicine and infantantile and mother health.
"Colonisation and Medical Research in Senegal, 1985-1958"
Thought about « the history of diseases » and more recently about « the place of diseases in history » has registered remarkable progresses. In return, as far as medical research is concerned, the issues remain a little bit studied within a historical prospect. In these conditions, the history of overall knowledge, and scientific background knowledge, of their emerging contexts and production conditions in the West Africa French colonies constitutes a large field of study for the African historiography. The issue, in this research, is about analyzing the links between the research bodies and policies and the colonial project, the Africans’ human body as an object of knowledge, the ethical implications of clinical essays and experimental medicine. In addition, there are the issues relative to the modes of organizations, to the financing and priorities of research, the connections between the decision-makers, the researchers and the lobbies of pharmaceutic industry and trade, the constraints to which the research institutions are submitted in colonial context.
2014. L’alimentation et la santé des enfants dans le Sénégal colonial, 1905-c.a 1960, Paris, L’Harmattan.
2013. « Le rôle et l’impact de la modernisation du port de Dakar dans la défense de la ville pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale », in Technophilic images of Remote Air warfare: the ´event horizon´ of Unmanned Aircraft Systems, D. Minchev, J. Baev, K. Grozev (eds.), Sofia: Sofia University Press, pp. 413-426.
2009. Le ravitaillement de Dakar de 1914 à 1945, Paris, L’Harmattan.
2008. « Colonisation et politique de santé maternelle et infantile au Sénégal (1905-1960) », French Colonial History, Vol. 9, pp. 191-211.