Octobre 2024 à juin 2025
Sergio Coto-Rivel is a Franco-Costa Rican researcher and teacher. He works on the relationships between history and literature in Latin America (historiographies, archives, and literary histories), particularly focusing on issues of gender representations, sexualities, and masculinities in contemporary narratives. He currently holds the position of Professor at Nantes University, where he teaches Latin American literature and cinema, cultural history, and critical theories (decolonial studies, eco-criticism).
He earned a PhD in Iberian and Ibero-American Studies from Bordeaux-Montaigne University and a habilitation to supervise research from Toulouse-Jean Jaurès University. He trained in Hispanic Philology at the University of Costa Rica and obtained a master's degree in Latin American literature from the same institution, as well as a specialization in Philology at the Spanish Language Institute (CSIC, Madrid). His main works (articles and books) and presentations focus on the Central American region.
Natural Threats, Threatened Nature: Anti-Virilisms and Decolonial Discourses in Contemporary Latin American Narrative
The main objective of this project revolves around fictions of the Capitalocene in Latin America.
For Sergio Coto-Rivel, the aim is to compile and study a recent textual corpus that shows ruptures with literary history, as well as continuities with voices and aesthetic traditions that have long been marginalized. It is organized around two critically intertwined perspectives: firstly, questioning the forms of hegemonic masculinity in their violent logics of domination and naturalization of their own discourse, and secondly, analyzing the functioning and implications of the coloniality of power in the stories being told. This approach to fiction through questioning the systemic foundation that organized the exploitation of the resources of the "New World" lays the groundwork for a theoretical and aesthetic reflection based on contemporary Latin American fiction.
COTO-RIVEL, Sergio. ¿Valiente y viril? Masculinidades, cuerpo e identidad en la literatura costarricense (1888-1954), San José : Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica, 2023, 320 p.
COTO-RIVEL, Sergio. 2022 « L’émergence d’un ‘homme nouveau’ : représentations masculines dans la littérature de la génération de 1940 au Costa Rica » in Waldegaray, Marta, Fictions politiques : littérature et temporalité historiques, Col. Saxifrages, Reims : EPURE.
COTO-RIVEL, Sergio. “Zulai y Yontá de María Fernández Le Capellain: más allá del canon literario costarricense”, Lectora: revista de dones i intertextualitat, Dossier “Escritoras centroamericanas” N°27, Barcelona : Universitat de Barcelona, 2021. [En ligne].
COTO-RIVEL, Sergio. “Yolanda Oreamuno, ‘frivolidad ambiente’ y pensamiento feminista en Costa Rica”, Cuadernos Intercambio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe, No2 (julio-diciembre) 2021, pp. 1-21. [En ligne].
COTO-RIVEL, Sergio. Fictions de l’intime : le roman contemporain d’Amérique centrale, Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2017, 291 p.