
Leading Researcher Expert in the Center for the Development of Civil Society


Octobre à décembre 2019


Dr. Aslanyan, has over 30 years of research and teaching experience. She received her PhD in Linguistics in the Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. She is currently working as Leading Researcher Expert on Gender in the Center for the Development of Civil Society. Since 1996, she has devoted herself to researching the women’s issue in Armenia and has done a large amount of research in this area. She has published more than 200 documents including monographs, dictionaries, readers and series of articles published in local and international magazines. She has also developed a course of lectures entitled Introduction to Gender: History, Culture and Society. She has received an IREX and a Fulbright Fellowships for her research in the US. She also worked as a visiting scholar at the Maison des Science de l’Homme (Paris, France) and International Institute of Social Studies (The Hague, the Netherlands). Dr. Aslanyan has been an official researcher for the EU-CIS Gender Watch project and conducted a research A Gendered Analysis of the European Union Developmental Aid for Armenia. Dr. Aslanyan has launched and achieved many initiatives to advance and raise the status of women in Armenia and to guarantee equal rights and opportunities for women and men in this difficult time of reform and transition. She especially supports initiatives directed at women and the self-empowerment of women in a growing democracy.

Search project

"Influence of Culture, Traditions, and Political System on Socialization and Re-socialization of Girls"

Dr. Aslanyan’s researches will discover the ways of girls’ socialization and re-socialization in Armenia in four generations, to reveal which factors have greater importance and effect on the process of primary socialization of girls. The agents of socialization and re-socialization are the same in different political systems, but the factors of their influence vary depending on the political system and socio-cultural environment. The transformation in the political system of Armenia caused two corrections in gender relationships in traditional Armenian society and accordingly in socialization and further re-socialization of girls. It shifted from the Armenian Woman: woman-mother and woman-protector of the family, to the Soviet Woman: “liberated” woman-worker, ideal soviet citizen, constructors of Socialism, then to the Woman of Perestroika: the discouraged woman of a lost generation, and lastly to the New Woman: independent, motivated, and active. Dr Aslanyan will examine how the transformation in politics, ideology and social environment influence socialization and re-socialization of girls, how they have adapted to these new conditions, how they survived in these turbulent times. She also intends to study the problem of girls’ socialization and re-socialization and its conceivable solutions in European countries, with the long-term goal to make a comparative analysis of socialization of girls in Europe and post-communist countries. The results of this research may have applicability at least throughout the post-communist world if not beyond.


ASLANYAN, Svetlana. “Diana Aghabeg Apcar the First Woman Ambassador in the World: the woman who was a century ahead of her time”, in Women in Politics: An International Perspective, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (forthcoming).

ASLANYAN, Svetlana and ADIBEKIAN, Aharon. “End of Transition?”, in Nationalization of Sustainable Development Goals in Armenia, Uruguay, Montevideo, Social Watch Report, 2018.

ASLANYAN, Svetlana. “Gender Equality: history must be honored”, in 2010- Time for a new deal After the Fall, Uruguay, Montevideo, Social Watch Report, 2012.

ASLANYAN, Svetlana. “Women and Empowerment in Armenia: from socialism to transition”, in Feminist Conversations: Women, Trauma and Empowerment in Post-Transitional Societies, USA, University Press of America, 2009.

ASLANYAN, Svetlana. “Woman liberation and woman question in Armenia”, in Resonances, No 8, Colloque Résonances, émancipation ou liberté, Paris, France, Université de Paris VIII, 2005.