#15th Anniversary of the Institute - Hashim Al Tawil : a humanist initiative

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As part of the celebrations for the Institute's 15th anniversary, a call for papers has been issued to all former Fellows and members of the Scientific Advisory Board. One simple rule, submit a short text on one of the following themes:

  • Variation on ‘Inhabiting the world differently’.
  • Imagination: what will the Institut d'études avancées de Nantes be like in 15 years' time?

Here are their answers!


Hashim Al Tawil


L'Institut d'études avancées de Nantes has already established an exemplary model of superior academic service. Hence contributing to establishing the foundations for a better world for generations to come. 

My 2011 Fellowship at IEA Nantes was an exciting and productive academic initiative. 

It was an intensive educational and knowledge-based experience shared by and with colleagues and scholars from all over the world, faculty members from the University of Nantes, and the creative leadership of Professor Alain Supiot. 

The exchange of ideas in the seminars, debates, and innovative discourse was a daily practice among all participants in a most friendly and unassuming cultural environment. The library's supportive service was invaluable to all. 

The Institute promotes multiculturalism and has constructed bridges of understanding, tolerance, acceptance, appreciation, and inclusivity. 

A genuine humanistic initiative that all must corroborate.