The Nantes Institute for Advanced Studies, IAS, has been welcoming researchers from all over the world for more than ten years. The IAS opens up a space for encounter and dialogue where cultural and historical differences are the starting points of departure that bring a community of intellectuals to collectively construct knowledge and reflect on the great challenges that are facing humanity today, such as climate change, environmental challenges or armed conflicts.
The Institute's space of freedom does not only allow for the emergence of intellectual collaborations, but also of friendship, solidarity and sharing that extend far beyond the scientists' stay in Nantes.
At this very difficult time, when war is back in Europe and threatens millions of innocent people, the IAS and its Collegium Mundi - which brings together researchers who have stayed at the Institute since its creation - express their solidarity with the Ukrainian and Russian scientific community. We express our strongest condemnation of this aggression against Ukraine and we insist on the values of collaboration, dialogue, co-existence and fraternity that are woven through exchange and respect.
With this statement, the IAS, Nantes along with the Collegium Mundi would like to express its strongest support to the appeal of Russian scientists who have spoken out to condemn the war and the crimes against humanity. We are mobilized to support the efforts made by the Russian and Ukrainian scientific community against the current military aggression in Ukraine.

Mustafa Abdalla, Egypte, Université libre de Berlin - Christèle Barois, France - Isabelle Bruno, France, Université de Lille - José Emilio Burucúa, Argentine, membre de l'Académie Nationale d'Histoire - Ana Paula Cavalcanti,Brésil, Université de São Paulo - Alina-SAndra Cucu, Roumanie - Nicolas Chaignot Delage, France, Institut de recherches en psychodynamique du travail - Abdesselam Cheddadi, Marroc, Université Mohammed V de Rabat - Cissé Chikouna, Côte d'Ivoire, Université Félix Houphouet Boigny d' Abidjan - Marc Chopplet, France ; Sesi lDagtas, Canada, Université de Waterloo - Paola Mariade Cuzzani, Norvège, University of Bergen - Ota De Leonardis, Italie, professeur retraitée de l'Université de Milano Bicocca - Denise Dias Barros, Brésil, Universidade de São Paulo - François Dingremont, France, EHESS - OlgaDror, USA, Université A&M du Texas - Alan Forrest, UK, University of York - Roberto Fragale Filho, Brésil, Universidade Federal Fluminense - Etienne François, France, Académie des sciences de Berlin-Brandebourg - Berenice Gaillemin, USA, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles - Adrián Goldin, Argentine, Universidad de Buenos Aires - Chris Hann, UK, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge - Kazumichi Hashimoto, Japon, Université de Waseda - Wai Yip Ho, Hong Kong, Education University - Roar Høstaker, Norvège, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences - Roger Jeffrey, UK, Université d’Edimbourg - Svetla Koleva, BulgarieInstitut de philosophie et sociologie, Académie bulgare des sciences - Anna Krasteva, Bulgarie, Nouvelle Université Bulgare - Udaya Kumar, India, Jawaharlal Nehru University - Céline Labrune Badiane, France, Université de Paris VII - John Lear, USA, University of Puget Sound - Giuseppe Longo, France, Centre Cavaillès (République des Savoirs), CNRS & Ecole Normale Supérieure - Ioana Manea, Roumanie, Université de Göttingen - Luis Mora Rodriguez, Costa Rica, Université du Costa Rica - Joachim Nettelbeck, Allemagne - Guido Nicolosi, Italie, University of Catania - Sophie Pardo, France, Nantes Université - Jeseong Park, Corée du Sud, Korea Labor Institute - Tamar Pitch, Italie, Université de Pérouse - Adriana Placani, Autriche, University of Graz - Om Prakash, India, Université de Dehli - Hamadi Redissi, Tunisie, Université de Tunis El Manar - Rachel Riedl, USA, Cornell University - Kanchana N Ruwanpura, Sri Lanka, University of Gothenburg, Sweden - Robert Salais, France - Ana Soto, USA, Tufts University School of Medicine - Marc-Henry Soulet, Suisse, Université de Fribourg -Michelle Szkilnik, France, Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle - Brij Tankha, India, Institute of Chinese Studies de Dehli - John Tolan, USA, Université de Nantes - Julia Torrie, Canada, St. Thomas University - Pascale Vielle, Belgique, Université catholique de Louvain - Slaven Waelti, Suisse - François Wassouni, Cameroun, Université de Maroua - Ana Maria Zahariade, Roumanie, University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu