This exchange day aims to meet a leading political and intellectual figure, who embodies the theoretical-practical approach cultivated within the framework of Solidarité du futur, while enriching discussions on the legality of surrounding commons with insights drawn from comparisons with Latin America.
Latin American discussants, current or former fellows of the Institute for Advanced Study, will help frame the discussions within plural and interdisciplinary considerations.

de 10h à 16h30
À l'Institut d'études avancées de Nantes - salles AB
5 allée Jacques Berque
44000 Nantes
Open and free day, 30 seats available SOLD OUT
Lieux sensibles. Petit festival des sciences humaines et sociales – Axe solidarité du futur
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Institut d’études avancées de Nantes
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The Lieux Sensibles Festival marks the closing event of the general seminar for Nantes University's Solidarity of the Future axis. The seminar's objective is to revisit the tradition and current relevance of the humanities and social sciences on a European scale, to showcase the contributions of past and present research on the meaning of fundamental categories of social life: law, economy, religion, art, technology, and science.
Held annually at the end of November, the Festival aims to intertwine the reflections developed throughout the seminar with the concerns of Nantes' community members and stakeholders, in order to collectively discuss the political and intellectual challenges related to ongoing struggles and initiatives in the city's sensitive areas.
A time for reciprocal exchange between the University and active groups in political society, the Lieux Sensibles Festival seeks to materialize a new way of approaching the humanities and social sciences, one that is more attuned to the practical problems faced by citizens and the emerging aspirations of new generations, as well as a novel way of conceiving politics, more attentive to theoretical questions.
The first edition of the Festival, which will conclude a year of collective work focused on the category of law, will mainly center on the legal issues raised by commons, broadly understood. Whether in shared gardens, participatory housing, third places, fab labs, or shared energy initiatives, these actions challenge traditional legal concepts (first and foremost property), surpass established legal frameworks—public and private alike—and, in doing so, stimulate collective reflection aimed at revising legal institutions to not only make room for these practices but to fully express the ideals behind them.
To accompany the activities of the Festival, we will have the privilege of welcoming Álvaro García Linera, Bolivian sociologist and statesman, three-time Vice President of the Republic, and author of numerous works on new social movements, struggles for the commons, state transformations, and the relationship between social sciences and political society.

9:30 AM: Welcome participants with breakfast
10:00 AM: Opening remarks by the organizers
- Welcome remarks from the Institute's leaders (Sophie Halart)
- Sébastien Urbanski, coordinator of the theme: "The Solidarity of the Future: A Theoretical and Practical Challenge"
10:20 AM: General Introduction
- Johan Giry, member of the organizing committee for the theme: "Social Law and the Resonance of Crises"
- Francesco Callegaro, member of the organizing committee for the theme: "The Meaning of the Commons: A Latin American Mirror"
11:00 AM: Session 1: The Latin American Mirror of the Law of the Commons
- Diego Landivar, IEA resident, Q&A with Álvaro García Linera
- General response by Álvaro García Linera
12:30 PM: Lunch break with buffet for all participants
2:00 PM: Session 2: The Effects of the Latin American Mirror on the Nantes Commons
- Moderators: Sophie Halart (Historian, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Institute of Aesthetics) and Stefania Ferrando (Philosopher, Université Côte d’Azur, CRHI)
- Open-floor discussions from the social movements represented in the audience
4:30 PM: Conclusion, followed by a drink
With the participation of:
- Diego LANDIVAR, Franco-Bolivian economist and anthropologist, 2024-2025 resident of the Institute, chair Living through the lens of planetary limits
- Sophie HALART, art historian, French, living and teaching in Chile, 2022-2023 resident of the Institute and member of the Institute's collective leadership for 2024-2026.