The 2024-2025 Welcome Week

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From October 14 to 18, 2024, the Institut organized a rich Welcome Week filled with events to welcome its new fellows. This essential moment of the year allows everyone to meet, exchange ideas about their projects, and discover the environment that will accompany them throughout their journey. 

Throughout the week, Morgane Saysana and Bernard Reeves, two interpreters with whom we often collaborate at the Institut, accompanied us to facilitate communication between French and English speakers.

Here is a recap of the highlights from this inaugural week.

Semaine de rentrée

Monday, October 14: Launch of the Welcome Seminar

Fellows and team members gathered to kick off this first day over coffee, and at 10:00 AM, the Welcome Seminar was officially launched. Each fellow had the opportunity to introduce themselves and present their project in 10 minutes, allowing everyone to gain a better understanding of the themes and challenges their colleagues were addressing. Sophie Halart and Pierre-Etienne Kenfack from the collegiate leadership also shared insights into their respective research.

After a friendly lunch at the club with team members and interpreters, the afternoon featured a photo session. Pauline Théon, our photographer, captured portraits of the fellows, immortalizing this important moment for the Institut's archives and communications. The day concluded with a launch cocktail at 7:00 PM, where the fellows were officially introduced to the Institut's partners and the broader community.


Tuesday, October 15: Discovering Nantes

After a free morning to recover from the previous day, the afternoon began at 2:00 PM with a presentation of the Institut team in the amphitheater. Each member explained their professional background, their role, and how they would interact with the fellows throughout the year.

Following this session, the fellows gathered in the hall for a guided tour of downtown Nantes, conducted in English by Sandrine Bernier. This was a great opportunity to discover the city’s iconic landmarks while getting to know the other group members in a relaxed atmosphere. The day concluded with a drink shared in the city center, extending the discussions from the afternoon.


Wednesday, October 16: Scientific and Artistic Exploration

Wednesday began with a presentation of the upcoming scientific year. The team members and scientific leadership detailed the Institut's scientific project, the three chairs developed here, as well as the program for weekly seminars, major events, and the responsibilities of each individual in fostering the scientific life of the Institut.

In the afternoon, a workshop on interdisciplinary collaboration was led by the scientific leadership. This exchange allowed the fellows to reflect on various transdisciplinary approaches and to engage in stimulating discussions about the potential interactions between their fields of expertise.

At the end of the day, the group went to the École des Beaux-Arts de Nantes to attend the inaugural lecture by Soumya Sankar Bose, a fellow of the artistic chair. He presented his project for the year, offering a fascinating insight into his work and artistic commitment.


Thursday, October 17: A Journey Beyond the Walls

Thursday began with a lunch at a restaurant, bringing together the fellows and the Institut team. After the meal, everyone headed to Saint-Florent-le-Vieil for an outing. The group visited the home of the writer Julien Gracq, explored an exhibition by Pierre Mabille, and attended a lecture by Michel Pastoureau in this charming town along the Loire River. This trip allowed the fellows to escape for a moment while continuing to enrich their experience at the Institut.


Friday, October 18: A Well-Deserved Day of Rest

Friday had no official activities planned, providing the fellows with an opportunity to rest and reflect on the highlights of this integration week.

This week was marked by rich and constructive exchanges, and it is important to emphasize the significance of everyone’s presence and engagement. The collaboration between the fellows, the team, and the scientific leadership was essential in making this week a true success! The interactions allowed everyone to get to know each other better, and the warm atmosphere bodes well for a year that promises to be both scientifically stimulating and personally enjoyable.
