#idéesdébats - Anne-Marie Filaire et Diego Landivar - Deciphering the landscapes of the Anthropocene

14 January 2025

As part of the #idéesdébats conference series organised in partnership with Lieu unique and Nantes University, Anne-Marie Filaire and Diego Landivar will be putting forward their thoughts in the  2024-2025 cycle: Inhabiting, really? Caroline Lanciaux is hosting the event. 

Deciphering the landscapes of the Anthropocene 

Our way of inhabiting the planet, our territories, our cities and our social spaces has been shaped by a desire to master and control nature through technology since the so-called ‘modern’ era. Our landscapes have been transformed, our living spaces polluted. This conversation between the photographer, who has been observing the fate of excavated earth from the Greater Paris project, and the researcher, who has been thinking about the ecology of dismantling, will lead us to imagine ways in which we can turn our infrastructures around and come to terms with this legacy.





Lieu Unique, Quai Ferdinand-Favre


Free access, no reservation required

29 mars 2021, période de confinement et de couvre-feu à Paris

29 mars 2021, période de confinement et de couvre-feu à Paris. ©Anne-Marie Filaire

Diego Landivar is a Franco-Bolivian economist and anthropologist. He currently holds the Chair of Living in the light of planetary limits at the Institut d'études avancées de Nantes, in partnership with ENSA, AURAN and SCE-KERAN. His work focuses on Ecological Redirection, based on an analysis of the infrastructures, organisations and practices inherited from capitalism. He is co-author with Emmanuel Bonnet and Alexandre Monnin of the book Héritage et Fermeture, published by Divergences.

Anne-Marie Filaire is a photographer, the author of radio plays broadcast on France Culture and a lecturer at the Paris Institute of Political Studies. Her work takes the form of a poetic exploration of man and his environment, focusing on the landscape and the intimate concerns of people confronted with geopolitical upheaval. Terres, sols profonds du Grand Paris was published in 2020 by La Découverte, and bears witness to the transformation of a city by extractivism.