As part of the #idéesdébats events organised in partnership with the Lieu Unique and Nantes Université, Philippe Simay will be contributing his reflections to the Habiter, vraiment? series for 2024–2025.
What resources do we need to make the world habitable?
Our ways of building and designing spaces, based on the massive consumption of non-renewable raw materials, no longer make the world habitable. Rather, they represent a way of digging our own graves, taking with us all living beings—human and non-human alike. How can we break away from this deadly extractivist and productivist culture? More than technical solutions, we need to begin with a new understanding of resources to rethink a material ecosystem that is fairer and compatible with sustaining life on our planet.

Lieu Unique, Quai Ferdinand-Favre
Free access, no reservation required
Philippe Simay is a senior lecturer in philosophy at the Paris-Belleville School of Architecture. He hosted the documentary series Habiter le monde on Arte. His most recent publications include La Ferme du rail: pour une ville écologique et solidaire (with Clara Simay, Actes Sud, 2021) and Bâtir avec ce qui reste (Terre Urbaine, 2024).