Camila Perruso, 2020-2021 fellow, publishes her article in The Human Rights Review: The affirmation of a universal right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

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Camila Perruso, résidente 2020-2021, publie dans La Revue des droits de l'Homme son article : L’affirmation d’un droit à un environnement propre, sain et durable universel.

The right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment was recognised for the first time within the UN by a resolution adopted by the UN Human Rights Council in its 48th session. This text confirms that the time has come to affirm this new human right, despite the scepticism of some States. Although this resolution is part of an already lengthy interaction process between human rights and the environment, it is the first step towards its universal consecration. Thus, it contributes to a movement of normative defragmentation to protect human beings and the environment, which is needed to face the ecological crisis.