As part of the #idéesdébats series organized in partnership with Le Lieu Unique and Nantes University, Félix Tréguer will share his reflections in the Habiter, vraiment? 2024-2025 cycle.
Drones, predictive policing, algorithmic surveillance—under the guise of optimization and decision-making assistance, these technologies are reshaping urban life into a vast surveillance enterprise. A macroscopic surveillance first, aimed at tightly managing population flows in real time. A closer surveillance of individuals and groups as well.
What does the proliferation of these technologies change in our relationship with the city, in the ways we move, meet, and dwell within it? And how can we resist?

Lieu Unique, Quai Ferdinand-Favre
Free access, no reservation required
French without interpretation
Félix Tréguer is an associate researcher at the CNRS Center for Internet and Society and a member of La Quadrature du Net, a collective dedicated to defending human rights in the face of digitalization. He is also the author of Technopolice: Police Surveillance in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (Divergences, 2024).