Vers une Internationale des rivières... Temps de travail #2 à l'Institut

From 14 to 15 November 2024

For two days, the members of the Witness Council, along with researchers associated with the 'Towards an International of Rivers' project, will gather at the invitation of Camille de Toledo to discuss the form, scope, and responsibilities of ecosystems granted legal personhood.

This second major event, dedicated to the turning point of nature rights, will allow us to address several questions: as 'legal persons' of natural entities (such as rivers, forests, valleys, etc.) become more common, how can this work? What could their governance structure look like to best represent their non-human rights? What connections will be established between these new entities and existing institutional actors? And also, what could be the consequences of this emergence of non-human figures in the social space on the economy we live in?

Following the residency that took place at the Château de Goutelas with researchers from various disciplines, this will be an opportunity to discuss the ideas they have imagined and to discover the drawings of Axelle Grégoire, an architect whose work gives form and visibility to these new entities and their relationships.


© Anne-Marie Filaire


Thursday afternoon



at the Institute


Private event