During his inaugural lecture at the Collège de France, Alain Supiot, founder of the IEA in Nantes, paid tribute to Pierre Legendre: "My debt to you, dear Pierre Legendre, is too great to be discharged one day, but it is only fair to acknowledge it publicly in this place.

Collective work edited by Katrin Becker (IEA Nantes fellow 2017-18) and Pierre Musso (former associate member and fellow of IEA Nantes 2014-15)
With contributions from Katrin Becker, Livio Boni (IEA Nantes fellow 2018), Peter Goodrich, Paolo Heritier (IEA Nantes fellow 2017), George Mein, Pierre Musso, Osamu Nishitani (former SC member and IEA Nantes fellow 2009), Andreas Rahmatian (IEA Nantes fellow 2014-15), Serene Richards.
Pierre Legendre's work is immense in its volume (more than forty books) and its originality. It deals in a demanding way with the "human animal endowed with speech" and with society considered as a Text. In this work, juridical-historical, genealogical, philosophical, socio-theological and psychoanalytical approaches are mixed, forming a brilliant cultural anthropology.
This collective work is an introduction to the "dogmatic anthropology" elaborated by Legendre. It is a multidisciplinary reading of the issues addressed in this highly erudite work, which was conceived in reaction to the positivism of the managerial West.
Its aim is to unveil the foundations of the institutional system of Western culture and its historical origins.
Nine authors from different countries and disciplines are gathered here to elucidate the themes, concepts and questions raised by Pierre Legendre's work, to offer the reader a multi-voiced analysis of a singular and essential contemporary thought.